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happy monday. spent saturday at JPL's open house. geeeks iiiiin ssppppaaaaaaaccce!
it was like being inside a NOVA. i learned more in one day than i have in years...everything from what kind of propulsion system the Dawn Satellite will use (ion propulsion. like from star trek. cool!), to the name of the company that merges the Atlas & Delta V rocket groups (aka lockheed martin & boeing's new corporate mashup launch group)... not to mention getting to see a host of geeky teenagers, which is always refreshing & makes you feel better about the state of the union... at least when you're me & you worry about that kind of thing...

...re-imagined again for the third time, the everythinggoodisgone.com blog. which, it is only fair to say, has been dormant now for 3 years not because i am lazy, but because i had other things on my mind. maybe.


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